Aviary Floor Covering

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Aviary Floor Covering
If you are new to keeping birds, or if you have just started building an aviary, you may be in danger of overlooking important aspects of aviary design. Don`t be in a rush to adopt your birds! Make sure you give careful consideration to all aspects of your aviary. Whether you are buying an aviary, or building your own, one of the most important considerations is the type of floor your aviary will have. Indeed, the aviary floor covering is probably the most important part! You may receive different advice as to which type of floor to use. Here is a summary of some of the most common types of aviary floor covering you will find on the market.
Concrete Or Cement
Concrete or cement is one of the best types of floor coverings for an aviary. One of the main reasons is because it is very easy to clean. You can sweep it, scrub it and clean it so that parasites will not stand a chance! Cover a cement floor with sand, and you will further reduce your chances of attracting worms. There is almost no better covering to keep your birds warm, safe and dry.
If you do decide to go for a concrete or cement floor, make sure you design it with proper drainage. This will keep it easy to clean. Also, remember that a concrete floor does not mean you never have to clean your aviary! Don`t let split seed pile up and attract pests, like cockroaches!
Soil Aviary Floor Covering
Aviary floors that you cover with soil and grass look very natural and attractive. In addition, the birds love walking around and pecking on earth floors looking for scraps of food. Beware, however, because problems can lurk in soil floors. For example, such floors may become damp and take a long time to dry. Parasites also love moist areas and mice and rats love to dig in soil. Cleaning these types of floors can therefore be hard. Remember, too, that it may be easy for predators to burrough into soil floors and that toxic plants may also take root there. If you do decide to go with a soil aviary floor covering, make sure you dig the aviary panels at least 30 cm into the ground to prevent predators from getting to your birds!
Pine Bark
Pine bark or chips are becoming increasingly popular with bird enthusiasts. It has a natural look and it allows water to drain fairly easily. Drawbacks of this aviary floor covering include the insects that love to call it come. In fact, don`t be surprised to find cockroaches! Rake the bark to clear away the bird droppings. Caution : If pine bark chips get moldy or damp, take them away immediately because they can be harmful to your birds!
Also, we do not recommend pine pellets, as these give off a strong smell when they get wet. When they are wet, they also become like sawdust, which can cause respiratory damage in birds and humans.
Blue Metal Rock or Gravel
This is also a good choice because it is readily available. You can easily put blue metal rock on your aviary floor. You can also clean it and dry it easily. It is one of the best materials you can find for drainage, so it will keep your birds warm, safe and dry.
Are you ready to learn all the secrets of building an aviary? Get your aviary plans here!
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