Why A Hanging Birdbath Is A Smart Choice

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A hanging birdbath is different than the traditional basin and pedestal style but it as many advantages over a traditional birdbath. One difference is that you can hang your birdbath in place that makes it easy to see the birds, such as on a porch or patio pole. That means that you will get a front row seat for all the action!
Another advantage is that you can hang the birdbath in a place that is further away from places where there is likely to be more debris, such as under trees. That said, you should still find a place where birds will be able to make a quick escape from predators if they need to. Close to, but not under trees and bushes is an ideal place. Get a high enough birdbath pole and you will also keep your avian visitors safer from predators.
On the other hand, a disadvantage of a hanging bird bath is that it might not be as stable as a traditional one. Therefore, we recommend buying a sturdy model. In addition, you should make sure that it is secured on a very stable tree, pole or other structure.
We have reviewed hundreds of birdbaths, both hanging and traditional ones, and we believe the best hanging birdbath is the Monarch Abode 17065 Hanging Copper Hammered Bird Bath. This birdbath has received excellent customer reviews for the quality of its workmanship and its durability. If you add a birdbath heater or deicer, you will be able to keep this outdoors all year long. The bowl itself is 2″ high, the depth we always recommend for a birdbath. This will prevent the accidental drowning of the birds, while still giving them plenty of room of bathe, swim and preen.
Copper is an excellent material for a bird bath because of its many anti-microbial properties. It is proven to eliminate many types of bacteria, such as staph and influenza. Copper is one of the first metals to be mined by humans. It is used for many practical purposes, such as pots, pans and other utensils.
In addition, copper is not only a sturdy, durable material, it is also known to have algae-inhibiting properties. This means easier cleaning for you. We recommend this bird bath if you would like to attract smaller birds to your yard. For safety reasons, smaller species prefer drinking from bird baths placed higher. It gives them a better view of the area around them so they stay alert to any nearby predators.
We recommend placing this bird bath out of direct sunlight. This is because copper is a good conductor and can easily heat up. Drain and replace the water on a regular basis, wipe down the inside of the bowl with a cloth or a towel. By doing so, you will provide a fresh, clean water source that will keep the neighborhood flock coming back again and again.
Another Great Hanging Bird Bath
The API 600 20-Inch Diameter Heated Bird Bath Bowl is not sold specifically as a hanging bird bath, but you can make it into one. Be sure to watch the great video below by Martha Stewart to find out how to hang a bird bath using twine!
If you would rather mount this bird bath on a deck, pole or other structure, you will get the hardware to do so when you order this bird bath. Mount it on a deck, a railing or any other sturdy structure of your choice. Also, you should know that this is one of the most durable bird baths we have found. The material is sturdy resin, and customers report that this bird bath has stood the test of harsh winters for over 15 years! This bird bath has a built in heater that is controlled by a thermostat. Therefore, you will be able to provide water to the neighborhood flock all year round.
In conclusion, we highly recommend this bird bath because you will receive great value for the money.
How To Hang A Bird Bath Using Twine
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