Author: Hans Mast

Mosquito Larvae in Water – 5 Tips for Birdbath Owners

Mosquito Larvae in Water – 5 Tips for Birdbath Owners

Mosquito Larvae in Bird Bath Water And How To Eliminate It Mosquito larvae in water is one of the most common problems bird bath owners must deal with. They are not only annoying, they can also carry diseases that are harmful or even deadly to 

How To Make Hummingbird Water (Best Recipe 2021)

How To Make Hummingbird Water (Best Recipe 2021)

How To Make Hummingbird Water – The Best Recipe If you have already set up your hummingbird bird bath and attracted some of these beautiful birds, you may be wondering how to get even more hummingbirds to visit your backyard birding habitat. The best way 

Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder – Never Worry About Squirrels Again

Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder – Never Worry About Squirrels Again

Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder You know you need a squirrel proof bird feeder if already have bird feeders and bird baths in your yard and have seen the squirrels having a party with your bird seed. You have probably gone out to your backyard to 

Allied Precision Heated Bird Bath Reviews

Allied Precision Heated Bird Bath Reviews

Allied Precision Heated Bird Bath If you have already read our heated bird bath reviews, or if you are looking for a bird bath heater, you are probably already familiar with some Allied Precision heated bird bath products. In fact, Allied Precision makes some of 

Why You Shouldn’t Buy A Solar Birdbath Heater

Why You Shouldn’t Buy A Solar Birdbath Heater

Why You Shouldn’t Buy A Solar Birdbath Heater It’s winter and you want to provide a source of fresh water for birds to bathe in and drink all year long. However, you may live in a winter climate where the temperature stays below freezing for 

What to Consider When Buying Bulk Wild Bird Seed

What to Consider When Buying Bulk Wild Bird Seed

Wild Bird Seed For Your Bird Habitat When taking care of your birds, offering them comfortable housing, optimized feeders, and high quality wild bird seed is vital. Whether you are feeding the local birds or just looking after your pet, giving the birds in your 

Bird Identification Guide PDF

Bird Identification Guide PDF

Common Birds Of North America If you are new to bird watching, we highly recommend getting a bird identification guide. The bird identification guide PDF, “Common Birds Of North America” is the perfect guide for beginners. You will find descriptions of all the birds you 

Bird Aviary Plans PDF

Bird Aviary Plans PDF

The Most Complete Bird Aviary Plans PDF If you are looking to download a bird aviary plans PDF file, then you need to check out “How To Build An Aviary” Chances are, you’ve already been looking around online for the perfect bird aviary plans, but 

Get A Submersible Bird Bath Heater For The Winter

Get A Submersible Bird Bath Heater For The Winter

Submersible Bird Bath Heater A submersible bird bath heater is a great way to continue providing water to the neighborhood flock all year round. At this time of year, you may be considering what your bird bath heater options are, and you may be confused 

Reviews Of Replacement Bird Bath Bowls On Amazon

Reviews Of Replacement Bird Bath Bowls On Amazon

Amazon Replacement Bird Bath Bowl Review Are you a long time bird bath owner who is looking for a replacement bird bath bowl? Or, if you are looking for a replacement bowl and need some guidance on which one to buy, you’ve come to the 

Reviews Of Cement Bird Baths For Sale On Amazon

Reviews Of Cement Bird Baths For Sale On Amazon

Information About Cement Bird Baths For Sale On Amazon You will find many cement bird baths for sale on Amazon! These bird baths can add much to a landscape or yard.  Whether it is in a flowerbed, in the yard or in a fairy garden, 

Heated Birdbaths – Is Electric An Easier Alternative To Solar?

Heated Birdbaths – Is Electric An Easier Alternative To Solar?

 All About Heated Birdbaths And Their Benefits Heated birdbaths offer many benefits to both humans and birds. The possibility of enjoying your bird bath all year round and giving birds a place of refuge as the weather gets colder are just two of the many 

How To Clean A Cement Bird Bath

How To Clean A Cement Bird Bath

How To Clean A Cement Bird Bath Knowing how to clean a cement bird bath will help ensure a healthy backyard habitat and will allow bird watchers to easily maintain their bird bath. Cleaning your bird bath is one of your most important responsibilities as 

Solar Bird Baths

Solar Bird Baths

Why Buy A Solar Bird Bath? A solar bird bath can be an excellent alternative to traditional electric bird baths with bird bath bowls and pedestals. To be clear, a bird bath that runs on the sun’s energy is one that uses solar energy to 

Cool Bird Baths on Amazon

Cool Bird Baths on Amazon

Cool Bird Baths for Sale on Amazon If you are looking at birdbaths for sale, but haven’t find anything you like, or if doing it yourself is too time consuming, you may want to consider looking at some of the coolest bird baths on Amazon. 

What Exactly Are Solar Birdbaths?

What Exactly Are Solar Birdbaths?

What are Solar Birdbaths? Solar birdbaths were a mystery to me when I first learned about them. I had no idea that solar birdbaths exist. But as you already know, the birdbath itself does not run on solar power; the pump does. The most common types 

Chicken Coop For Sale

Chicken Coop For Sale

Finding the Right Chicken Coop for Sale: A Quick Guide for First-timers So you’ve finally decided to raise chickens in your own backyard. You already read about the various breeds available, and you even picked the one that’s most suited to your needs. And now, 

Chicken Coop Ideas and Tips

Chicken Coop Ideas and Tips

Chicken Coop Ideas Even if you don’t know much about building a chicken coop, it is now easier to find chicken coop ideas and other information online. You don’t need to be an expert carpenter or builder just to make a coop for your chickens. 

Chicken Coop Design Tips

Chicken Coop Design Tips

Chicken Coop Design You don’t have to stress over what to do with your chicken coop design. It can be as simple or extravagant as your imagination and your budget permit. Initial Considerations Decide on how big or small the coop will be. You should 

How To Buy Bird Baths Online – Some Tips

How To Buy Bird Baths Online – Some Tips

How To Buy Bird Baths Online Why buy bird baths online? Because you can learn about bird bath best practices and get exactly what you want! Not only that, you can get your bird bath fast and delivered right to your door. What can be 

Buy Or Build An Indoor Outdoor Bird Aviary (Updated 2021)

Buy Or Build An Indoor Outdoor Bird Aviary (Updated 2021)

An Indoor Or Outdoor Bird Aviary? If you are looking to buy a bird aviary, you should first consider the advantages of both indoor and outdoor aviaries. Most experts will tell you that outdoor aviaries are better than indoor ones. This is because outdoor aviaries 

What To Feed Chickens Naturally

What To Feed Chickens Naturally

What To Feed Chickens Naturally You may be starting to keep chickens and wondering what to feed chickens naturally. Well, you will be happy to know that chickens are not picky eaters at all. In fact, they will eat almost anything. Chickens are omnivores, so 

Automatic Chicken Coop Door

Automatic Chicken Coop Door

Automatic Chicken Coop Door There are many advantages to getting an automatic chicken coop door. Not having to wake up at the crack of dawn to feed or let your chickens out of the coop is not the least of these advantages. However, you should 

Chicken Dust Bath

Chicken Dust Bath

Chicken Dust Bath If you have never kept chickens before, you may not know that chickens do not take bird baths like other birds do. Instead, these birds take a chicken dust bath. This means that you should provide your chickens the opportunity to bathe 

Raising Baby Chickens

Raising Baby Chickens

Raising Baby Chickens There are two ways of raising baby chickens. Either take care of them from the moment they are hatched, or buy your baby chickens from hatcheries then care and nourish them further. Based on these two choices, there are a couple of 

Best Chicken Breeds For Eggs

Best Chicken Breeds For Eggs

Best Chicken Breeds For Eggs If you are new to keeping chickens, or if you have not yet acquired your first chickens, you may be wondering about the best chicken breeds for eggs. Of course, fresh eggs are one of the main reasons why people 

The Best Chicken Egg Incubator

The Best Chicken Egg Incubator

How To Buy Or Make The Best Chicken Egg Incubator Choosing the best chicken egg incubator is an important step in ensuring the survival of your chicks. There are all sorts of chicken egg incubators available, so you should define your needs well before you 

DIY Chicken Coops

DIY Chicken Coops

DIY Chicken Coops DIY chicken coops are not difficult to make. However, you should always start with good planning, and gather as much information as possible about everything involved. Good preparation will make the construction of your chicken coop much easier. Therefore, we have assembled 

How To Choose The Best Chicken Wire

How To Choose The Best Chicken Wire

How To Choose The Best Chicken Wire Once you decide to build your own chicken coop, the choice of which chicken wire and hardware cloth to use is one of the most important decisions you will make. Using the right chicken wire or cloth from 

Exotic Pet Birds

Exotic Pet Birds

Exotic Pet Birds Perhaps you have bird watching for quite some time. Or, your interest in birds may go beyond wildlife and extend to pet birds. Did you know that any bird that is not native to where you live is an exotic bird? This 

Small Pet Birds

Small Pet Birds

Small Pet Birds If you would like to get a pet bird but live in an apartment or other small living space, you should consider small pet birds. A small bird will bring you just as much joy as a large one, but will not 

Walk In Chicken Coop

Walk In Chicken Coop

Walk In Chicken Coop A walk in chicken coop can mean improved access and more convenience for you. There are many advantages to these types of chicken coops. Not only do they provide your flock with more living space, they also make cleaning and egg 

Conure Pet Information

Conure Pet Information

Conure Pet Information Conures are one of the popular pet birds and for good reason – they are beautiful, smart pets that make good company. There are different species of conures but they have almost the same qualities. They are intelligent, curious, engaging and playful. 

Conure Bird Cages

Conure Bird Cages

Conure Bird Cages Having a conure in your life is a game-changer. They are excellent pets and are very smart. As an owner, you have to make sure that all their needs are met, and good conure bird cages that keep them safe and comfortable 

Conure Care And Training

Conure Care And Training

Conure Care And Training Conures are a type of parrot. They have an average lifespan of 20-35 years. In addition, they are popular pet birds because of their engaging personality. This makes them one of the popular pet birds. If you are new to conure 

How Big Should A Cockatiel Cage Be

How Big Should A Cockatiel Cage Be

How Big Should A Cockatiel Cage Be Cockatiels are small and beautiful members of the parrot family. They have an average size of 11 to 14 inches; they have a head crest and a long tail. Their estimated life span is about 15 to 25 

Chicken Coops For Sale

Chicken Coops For Sale

Chicken Coops For Sale If you are new to keeping backyard chickens, you may be looking at small chicken coops for sale instead of building your own. If you have never kept chickens before, buying a chicken coop is a good way to start small 

Pet Bird Supplies Information

Pet Bird Supplies Information

Pet Bird Supplies Information Whether you are a new or experienced owner of birds, you will always need good pet bird supplies. When you are starting out, you will need to buy everything you will need for your bird, including cages, perches, food and water 

Parakeet Questions And Answers

Parakeet Questions And Answers

Parakeet Questions And Answers The parakeet is from the Melopsittacus undalatus family. They are a small type of seed eating, long tailed parrot that have been favorites among bird enthusiasts for a very long time. Also, they are small in size and somewhat less destructive 

Outdoor Bird Aviary [Learn The Secrets Of The Best Aviary]

Outdoor Bird Aviary [Learn The Secrets Of The Best Aviary]

Outdoor Bird Aviary An outdoor bird aviary is simply a large enclosure for birds that is located outdoors. Bird aviaries come in all shapes and sizes and specifications. Not only that, you have a wide range of options when it comes to outdoor aviaries. You 

Building an Outdoor Aviary For Parakeets

Building an Outdoor Aviary For Parakeets

Building An Outdoor Aviary For Parakeets It is important to prepare the area of your yard where you are going to be building an outdoor aviary for parakeets. You should cut away trees shrubs and bushes. In addition, make sure that you cut away the 

Prevue Stainless Steel Bird Cage [For Large And Small Birds]

Prevue Stainless Steel Bird Cage [For Large And Small Birds]

Prevue Stainless Steel Bird Cage If you are a bird owner, you might already know that stainless steel is a material that second to none. It is completely bird-safe, easy to clean and durable. Stainless steel is therefore the perfect product for items such as 

Best Compact Binoculars For Birding

Best Compact Binoculars For Birding

Best Compact Binoculars For Birding Sometimes bringing along large equipment during birding can be inconvenient. But, you can go bird watching without bringing heavy and bulky equipment.  The most important thing you should have is a pair of binoculars. Yet, it’s hard to find compact 

Spotting Scopes for Birding: Angled Vs Straight. Which is Better?

Spotting Scopes for Birding: Angled Vs Straight. Which is Better?

Angled Vs. Straight Spotting Scope For Birding If you are trying to decide between an angled vs straight spotting scope for birding, you should know that spotting scopes are the perfect tools for birdwatching. This is because of their amazing magnification power. With the right 

How To Use A Spotting Scope For Birding

How To Use A Spotting Scope For Birding

How To Use A Spotting Scope For Birding Birdwatching, or birding, is a recreational activity that both young and old enjoy. Everyone finds birds fascinating! It is a cheap and relaxing hobby. In addition, there is no specific skill set you need to fully enjoy 

Bird Watching Supplies And Equipment

Bird Watching Supplies And Equipment

Bird Watching Supplies And Equipment Bird watching is a fascinating hobby to take up. It is one that can take you to many breathtaking natural sites in pursuit of the most beautiful of the Earth’s finest feathered creatures. But before you embark, be sure to 

Bird Watching Binoculars Recommendations

Bird Watching Binoculars Recommendations

Bird Watching Binoculars Recommendations Binoculars are the most valuable piece of equipment that a birdwatcher must have. Hence, when you choose a good pair, take careful consideration of the different features and specifications. This will allow you to determine which would provide you with the 

8×42 vs 10×42 Binoculars: Which One Should You Get?

8×42 vs 10×42 Binoculars: Which One Should You Get?

8×42 vs 10×42 Binoculars For Birding What should you know when comparing 8×42 vs 10×42 binoculars for birding? First, know that there are different kinds of binoculars you can use for bird watching. It all depends on your preference. There are compact ones that you 

The Top 3 Best 10×50 Binoculars for Birding

The Top 3 Best 10×50 Binoculars for Birding

10×50 Binoculars for Birding Are you looking for something easy-to-carry that can help view beautiful birds? Then grab yourself a pair of 10×50 binoculars for birding!  However, take some time and consideration when choosing a pair. You shouldn’t buy just any pair of binoculars you 

How to Choose the Best Binoculars for Birding

How to Choose the Best Binoculars for Birding

How To Choose The Best Binoculars For Birding Do you want to level up your game when it comes to bird watching? Then, you should get a pair of binoculars rather than plainly looking at birds from afar. In fact, a good par of binoculars 

Best Lightweight Binoculars For Bird Watching

Best Lightweight Binoculars For Bird Watching

Best Lightweight Binoculars For Bird Watching A good pair of binoculars is the most important piece of equipment that a birdwatcher must have. You should have yours on hand at all times. Your passion takes you to far-off places. You encounter various kinds of challenges 

7×50 Binoculars For Birding: Rough and Ready for Anything

7×50 Binoculars For Birding: Rough and Ready for Anything

7×50 Binoculars For Birding Bird watching is not as simple as merely looking up at the sky and waiting for birds to fly by. You have to actually go and seek them out. Also, the rarer, more exotic ones tend to be located in far 

Bird Bath Water Fountain

Bird Bath Water Fountain

Bird Bath Water Fountain With spring just around the corner, you may be thinking that a bird bath water fountain would be a good way to liven up your backyard or landscape. In fact, there are many practice reasons why you might want to buy 

Canon 80D Bird Photography and the Best Time to Photograph Birds

Canon 80D Bird Photography and the Best Time to Photograph Birds

Canon 80D Bird Photography With the Canon 80D bird photography just got easier. The Canon 80D DSLR is intended to be used by dedicated enthusiasts that love photography. This is for those that are looking to shoot a large array of subjects in various conditions. 

Best Point and Shoot Camera for Birding

Best Point and Shoot Camera for Birding

Best Point And Shoot Camera For Birding We know what you want – you want the best point and shoot camera for birding, so we’re not going to beat around the bush. We’re going to jump right in and introduce you to the tree best 

Bird Photography Camera – The Top Cameras to Use

Bird Photography Camera – The Top Cameras to Use

Bird Photography Camera – Which One To Use We understand how overwhelming it can be to pick out the correct gear for outdoor photography. In addition, if you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for in a lens or camera, it can be even more 

Large Bird Cages For Parakeets

Large Bird Cages For Parakeets

Large Bird Cages For Parakeets Large bird cages for parakeets are a must if you want to provide the best home for your birds. We all know that pаrаkееtѕ can make great pets. They аrе low mаintеnаnсе, fun and саn be еаѕilу tаmеd. Not only 

Aviary Floor Covering

Aviary Floor Covering

Aviary Floor Covering If you are new to keeping birds, or if you have just started building an aviary, you may be in danger of overlooking important aspects of aviary design. Don`t be in a rush to adopt your birds! Make sure you give careful 

How To Make Aviary Panels

How To Make Aviary Panels

If you are planning to build an aviary, you probably already know that aviary netting and aviary mesh are two of the most important bird aviary materials. When you learn how to make aviary panels correctly, you will keep your birds safe from predators and 

What Is The Best Camera For Birding Photography?

What Is The Best Camera For Birding Photography?

The Best Camera For Birding Photography Choosing the best camera for birding photography is important, especially if you are a just starting out. You may be reluctant to buy a high-end camera if you are unsure whether you will stick with the hobby. Maybe you 

How To Buy The Best Birding Camera

How To Buy The Best Birding Camera

The Best Birding Camera You may feel overwhelmed if you are looking for the best birding camera, especially if you are new to hobby. It was not too long ago when you could go to your local department store and pick up a reasonably-priced 35mm 

What Do Parrots Eat And Drink?

What Do Parrots Eat And Drink?

What Do Parrots Eat And Drink? What do parrots eat and drink? This is a question you should ask yourself well before buying or adopting a parrot. If you are already a parrot or exotic bird owner, you should always be sure to check out 

How To Keep Parrots Entertained

How To Keep Parrots Entertained

How To Keep Parrots Entertained Parrots are some of the most popular pet birds because they keep their owners entertained for hours and days on end. But have you ever considered how to keep parrots entertained? Most people know that parrots make make good pets. 

The Best Quality Parrot Cages

The Best Quality Parrot Cages

Find The Best Quality Parrot Cages If you are a bird lover, or if you already own a parrot, you already know how it important it is to provide the best quality parrot cages for your pet parrot. Parrots are intelligent birds, so you should 

Feeding Wild Birds In Your Garden

Feeding Wild Birds In Your Garden

Feeding Wild Birds In Your Garden If you are interested in feeding wild birds in your garden, you should think about the area in which you live. For example, in the winter time, you will often see a cardinal at a sunflower bird feeder if 

Backyard Birding Tips

Backyard Birding Tips

Backyard Birding Tips  Many birding enthusiasts love to watch birds all year round and in their natural habitats. This is why many birders turn their backyards into backyard birding oases. This is not complicated to do and you will have the pleasure of looking out 

Pet Bird Care For Beginners

Pet Bird Care For Beginners

Pet Bird Care For Beginners When you bring home a new pet, no matter what type of animal it is, there are always measures your should take to ensure your new family member lives a long, healthy life. This is no different with your new 

The Best Safe Toys For Your Pet Bird

The Best Safe Toys For Your Pet Bird

Safe Bird Toys  When considering toys for your pet bird, you should remember that safety is paramount. You can always ask your vet about bird safety, but it is best to also do your own research before you get a pet bird. Caring for a 

Bird Paintings By Skye Elizabeth Tranter – Bird Artist

Bird Paintings By Skye Elizabeth Tranter – Bird Artist

Bird Paintings By Skye Elizabeth Tranter Skye Elizabeth Tranter is an upcoming Artist who specializes in painting birds and parrots. While she has been practicing and selling her artwork for over 25 years, it wasn’t until the last few years that she really settled into 

Buy A Canada Goose Jacket For Birding & Everyday Use

Buy A Canada Goose Jacket For Birding & Everyday Use

A Canada Goose Jacket For Birding & Everyday Use A Canada Goose jacket is one of the best investments you will ever make. Canada Goose is famous all over the world for making the highest quality, most durable clothing. In fact, the Canadian military wear 

Birding Gear For Summer And Winter

Birding Gear For Summer And Winter

Birding Gear For Summer And Winter  If you have a bird bath, an aviary or keep birds as pets, chances are your love of birds does not stop in your own backyard. Getting out into nature and experiencing these amazing creatures in forest and national parks, 

Aviary Design And Construction (Best Practices And What To Avoid)

Aviary Design And Construction (Best Practices And What To Avoid)

Aviary Design And Construction If you have read our articles about bird cages and bird aviaries, you may want more information about aviary design and construction. Many bird owners decide to build their own aviary from scratch. They either improvise, or they may use simple 

Large Bird Cages For Sale

Large Bird Cages For Sale

Large Bird Cages For Sale If you have never owned a bird and are looking at large bird cages for sale, there are some important things to bear in mind. You should always consider the size of the birds you would like to keep when 

Great Winter Bird Bath Ideas For The Cold Weather

Winter Bird Bath Ideas It is never too early to think about winter bird bath ideas, especially if you live in a colder climate. In the winter, birds require more energy to melt frozen water. Because food is also not as plentiful in winter, it 

Bird Bath Heater Reviews

Bird Bath Heater Reviews

Bird Bath Heater Reviews BirdBathForSale‘s bird bath heater reviews will take the confusion out of shopping for a bird bath heater! You may live in a colder climate and want to provide birds with a garden oasis year round. Maybe you are tired for melting 

How To Build A Finch Aviary

How To Build A Finch Aviary

How To Build A Finch Aviary  If you would like to build a finch aviary, you should generally follow the same rules and best practice as when you build any aviary. Finches are small birds, so you won’t need to build an aviary as large 

Indoor Bird Aviary Designs

Indoor Bird Aviary Designs

Indoor Bird Aviary Designs If you are a bird owner and are considering various indoor bird aviary designs, you probably already know that birds are much better off when they have more living space. Your birds will be both happier and healthier if you give 

Easy Bird House Plans

Easy Bird House Plans

Easy Birdhouse Plans And Ideas Finding easy birdhouse plans or ideas can prove to be harder than you thought because there are so many options to choose from. Sure, there are lots of free birdhouse plans on the internet, but free does not always mean 

Tips To Help You Choose The Best Oriole Bird Feeder

Tips To Help You Choose The Best Oriole Bird Feeder

Providing An Oriole Bird Feeder Attracting orioles to your backyard is not difficult. The best way to attract these beautiful song birds is by providing food and water sources. Of course, a the right kind of bird bath is crucial if you would like to give 

Why A Suet Bird Feeder Is A Great Choice For Your Bird Habitat

Why A Suet Bird Feeder Is A Great Choice For Your Bird Habitat

Why A Suet Bird Feeder A suet bird feeder is perfect wild birds. These bird feeders are easy to prepare and will never spill. Most of all, birds love it. A suet bird feeder is very economical and it doesn’t cost much to refill. At 

Why A Hanging Birdbath Is A Smart Choice

Why A Hanging Birdbath Is A Smart Choice

WHY BUY A HANGING BIRDBATH A hanging birdbath is different than the traditional basin and pedestal style but it as many advantages over a traditional birdbath. One difference is that you can hang your birdbath in place that makes it easy to see the birds, such 

The Best Birdbath Fountain

The Best Birdbath Fountain

What Is The Best Birdbath Fountain A birdbath fountain is simply a birdbath that features a way to circulate water. You can find solar powered birdbath fountains and electric birdbath fountains. Some of the fountains you will find on the market are available for purchase separately 

A Guide To The Best Bird House

A Guide To The Best Bird House

The Best Birdhouses For Sale You may be thinking that buying or building the best birdhouse would be a simple enough task. The needs of most birds are simple: a place to nest, a place to find shelter from the elements and a place to 

Chicken Coop Plans

Chicken Coop Plans

All About DIY Chicken Coop Plans If you are looking for diy chicken coop plans, you probably already know know that chicken coops, hen houses, or chicken houses are simply buildings or caged structures that house female chickens or hens. They typically consist of an 

Buy The Best Parakeet Cage

Buy The Best Parakeet Cage

Features Of The Best Parakeet Cage If you are looking for the best parakeet cage, you have come to the right place! We have spent many hours reviewing hundred of parakeet cages on Amazon and have hand-picked the best one for you. If you would 

Pros And Cons Of Cheap Bird baths

Pros And Cons Of Cheap Bird baths

The Pros and Cons of Cheap Bird baths Providing a place for water and a quick bath, bird lovers have been using bird baths for centuries to closely observe birds. There is  an incredible selection available online and in brick and mortar stores. That’s why 

Stone Bird Baths

Stone Bird Baths

Why Buy Stone Bird Baths? Bird baths are among the best additions you can make to your outdoor landscape.  They can make your yard or property much more beautiful. More important, you will be doing a great service to your neighborhood flock by helping your 

Deciding Whether To Buy Concrete Birdbaths

Deciding Whether To Buy Concrete Birdbaths

Concrete Birdbaths Concrete birdbaths are a popular choice for many home owners and bird enthusiasts. They can be found in almost anywhere and are very durable. However, just like any bird bath, they also have their advantages and disadvantages. It is important to understand these 

Birdbath Reviews

Birdbath Reviews

Birdbath Reviews If you have been reading about birdbaths, you already know that there are a few basic things to remember when buying birdbaths. The health and safety of humans and birds are the most important factors to consider, but form and function are also 

Outdoor Bird Aviaries For Sale (The Best Ones And Which Ones To Avoid)

Outdoor Bird Aviaries For Sale (The Best Ones And Which Ones To Avoid)

What Is The Best Outdoor Bird Aviary For Sale? Looking for an outdoor bird aviary for sale? You may be wondering if an outdoor aviary kit is the right choice, or whether a simple bird cage will be sufficient. Maybe you are wondering what the 

The Truth About Outdoor Parrot Aviaries

The Truth About Outdoor Parrot Aviaries

The Best Outdoor Parrot Aviary If you own any of the following parrots, you may be looking to buy the best outdoor parrot aviary for your bird: African grey parrots, macaw parrots, cockatoo parrots, eclectus parrots, or amazon parrots. An aviary is very simply a 

Birds Images Free Download

Birds Images Free Download

Birds Images Free Download Birds images free download! As you may already know, birds are one of the most popular subjects for photographers, and with good reason. Bird watching is also one of the most popular hobbies in the world. That’s why it’s only natural 

Solar Powered Bird Bath Fountain Reviews (Updated)

Solar Powered Bird Bath Fountain Reviews (Updated)

Solar Powered Bird Bath Fountain Reviews Because of the wide variety of solar powered bird bath fountains on the market, and because they are becoming more and more popular, we have written some solar powered bird bath fountain reviews for some fountains available on Amazon. 

Heated Bird Bath – The Best Heated Bird Baths For Your Yard

Heated Bird Bath – The Best Heated Bird Baths For Your Yard

Why Read Heated Bird Bath Reviews? Winter is coming and that means snow, cold weather and ice if you live in a colder climate. While you struggle with defrosting your car windshield or shoveling your walk, birds struggle to find water in the winter. You 

Unique Birdbaths That You Can Buy Or Build Yourself

Unique Birdbaths That You Can Buy Or Build Yourself

Unique Birdbaths & Accessories Birdbaths are one of the most effective ways to attract birds and keep them coming back to your yard. On this page you will find unique birdbaths for sale on Amazon, as well as instructions on how to make your own 

Best Bird Cages For Sale

Best Bird Cages For Sale

What To Consider When Looking At Bird Cages For Sale When you are looking at bird cages for sale, you may feel overwhelmed at the wide range of choices available. Fortunately, there are just a few basic factors to consider when buying a bird cage. 

What Are The Best Birdbaths?

What Are The Best Birdbaths?

What Are The Features Of The Best Birdbaths? If you are a birdbath owner, you may already know the features of the best birdbaths. However, if you have never owned a birdbath and are shopping for one, it is worth learning about the features of 

Buy The Best Bird Feeder Pole For Your Bird Habitat

Buy The Best Bird Feeder Pole For Your Bird Habitat

Bird Feeder Pole Recommendations You have already bought the best bird bath. You have placed it in your backyard and more and more birds are visiting your bird bath. So, now that you’re an experienced backyard birder, what can you do to attract even more 

Bird Baths For Sale And Advice On Which Bird Baths To Buy

Bird Baths For Sale And Advice On Which Bird Baths To Buy

Bird Bath Advice After thousands of hours of research, after reviewing hundreds of bird baths, has put together the ultimate guide to help you buy the perfect bird bath. You might be a lifelong birding enthusiast or you might be new to the hobby. 

Best Bird Bath Deicers

Best Bird Bath Deicers

Why Buy A Bird Bath Deicer? Having a bird bath deicer will make winter much easier for both you and the birds who use your bird bath. You will enjoy your backyard habitat all year long, and the birds will have a water source to