Bird Watching Binoculars Recommendations

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Bird Watching Binoculars Recommendations
Binoculars are the most valuable piece of equipment that a birdwatcher must have. Hence, when you choose a good pair, take careful consideration of the different features and specifications. This will allow you to determine which would provide you with the best birding experience. Refer to the following bird watching binoculars recommendations to help you before you buy.
Binocular descriptions consist of a set of numbers. These include 7×42, 8×30, 10×25 and so on. The first number is the magnification. This is the number of times that an image is magnified by a binocular. The ideal bird watching binoculars recommendations for magnification are somewhere between 7x and 10x. This is because you may find it difficult to hold binoculars perfectly still without a tripod. This makes magnification of over 10 make the image look shaky.
Objective Lens Diameter
The second number is the objective lens diameter. You measure this in millimeters. So, in 7×42, it would be 42 millimeters. The objective lens closest to the object that you are viewing. Thus, the bigger its size, the greater the amount of light entering the binocular. A larger diameter means sharper images. On the other hand, a larger lens diameter tends to increase its weight. Consequently, we recommend a smaller and lighter 30 to 42 mm. This is especially so for binoculars used by kids.
Weight and Comfort
It is important to consider the weight and feel of your binoculars. Hence, you should buy a pair that fits well in your hands. In addition, it should also be easy to manage and focus. Avoid ones that are too heavy to carry around with you all day long. The preferred bird watching binoculars recommendations are mid-sized pairs with an objective lens diameter of 30 to 35 mm.
Field of View
The Field of View is the visible area that you see through the binoculars when you look into them. You measure it at 1000 yards. It is important to have a wide FOV because a small one can easily lose track of moving birds. The FOV decreases as magnification increases. However, binoculars with the same magnification do not always have the same FOV. Be sure to compare different similar models for their FOV.
Bird Watching Binoculars Recommendations For Eye Relief
The Eye Relief is the fixed distance between the ocular lens (the binocular eyepiece where you look through) and your eye where you can see the full FOV. You can adjust the eye relief by twisting the retractable eyecups of the binocular. If you wear glasses, we recommend binoculars with an eye relief of 15 mm and above. These are important bird watching binoculars recommendations. They account for the distance between your glasses and the surface of your eye. In addition, take note that the eye relief can vary among different binocular models and sizes.
Close Focus
Close focus is the closest distance between you and your subject where you can maintain focus. The smaller the close focus, the better the picture quality. The close focus should preferably below 6.5 feet. As always, we recommend comparing the focus of binoculars having identical magnification.
Binoculars are available in 2 basic prisms that you can choose from. The first type, Porro Prisms, is cheaper to produce. This means you can purchase these binoculars at a reasonable price. However, they do tend to be bulky and unwieldy to carry. The second kind, Roof Prisms, is a newer model. They will eventually become the standard in bird watching binoculars. They are handy, easy to carry. In addition, they are lighter than Porro binoculars.
When you’re out birding, you may find yourself at the mercy of the elements. Hence, the best bird watching binoculars recommendations can endure any situation or weather. It is not enough for the binocular to be weatherproof. It should be waterproof as well. This will help you avoid damage caused by water entering it. Lenses must be fog proof, too. This will keep them from fogging up due to moisture or humidity. Fortunately, both these important features are usually included in most birding binoculars.
Conclusion – Bird Watching Binoculars Recommendations
Use these bird watching binoculars recommendations to purchase the best pair of binoculars for you. However, you will be the best judge when you test them yourself. Get a pair of binoculars to get the feel of them. This will help you decide which one is just right for you. This way, you will find a pair of binoculars and will use them for a lifetime.
Further Reading
Read more about different kinds of bird watching binoculars. For information on scopes, field recorders and field guides, check out this article on other supplies and equipment.